GKG Law, P.C.

GKG Law's Chris Younger Co-Leads NBAA Webinar: FAA Transaction Guidance During the COVID-19 Crisis

April 13, 2020

GKG Law Principal Chris Younger served as a panelist in the National Business Aviation Association's (NBAA) News Hour webinar "FAA Transaction Guidance During the COVID-19 Crisis," which took place on Monday, April 13. The FAA Civil Aviation Registry has implemented a policy to quarantine for 72 hours all documents submitted to the registry for filing. This quarantine can complicate closings on aircraft transactions. Chris and his co-presenter, McAfee & Taft shareholder and practice group leader Scott McCreary, covered what the FAA is doing to address this situation and what lessons have been learned from those who have needed to conduct aircraft transactions during this challenging time. The webinar will be moderated by Peter Korns, NBAA's senior manager of tax, operations and workforce engagement.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.


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